Candlemas Intercessions 2021

God, revealed to us

in the vulnerability of infancy,

we pray for our church.

Give us hope that we will soon gather again,

to worship you together

to sing your praise

to celebrate the Eucharist 

to share friendship and fellowship. 

When we gather again,

may we gather in the love your require us to share,

in unity, not in conflict,

in hope not despair.


God, revealed as the Messiah

in the form of a vulnerable child,

we pray for the world you made.

We pray for the most vulnerable:

those whose healthcare systems

are not able to cope with the scale of the pandemic,

for the millions with no prospect of vaccination,

for our elderly in care homes,

for those made lonely by lockdown,

for the traumatised and exhausted.


But we also give thanks 

for the natural world around us:

For the countryside on our doorstep

for snowdrops and catkins,

for walks in the fresh air,

the song of the birds

and for days growing longer

as we look forward to springtime.

Like Anna, help us always to pray and praise.


We pray for our local community:

for Blackburn Royal Infirmary only a mile away:

for the schools of our parish

especially for children unable to learn from home:

for those suffering in their homes,

especially victims of abuse and violence:

for our friends who we can reach only on the phone

and whose physical presence we miss.

Give us hope, we pray.


God who knew suffering and pain,

yet who brought healing and peace

we bring to you those who are sick …

and those who care for them.

We bring to you those who will die this day,

that they will be with you in paradise.

Help us to face pain and suffering 

with honesty and courage.

We bring your beloved who are elderly,

tiny babies, new parents, 

those who are faithful,

and those who wait in hope.


On this feast of Candlemas

our hearts turn from Christmas 

to Lent and Passiontide.

Although the last year has felt to be 

penance without end,

keep us faithful in our preparations for Easter,

able to acknowledge the sword that pierced you

And those that pierce us stil

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