Intercessions – 2 before Lent (Church of England Lectionary) Year B 2021

God of the vastness of creation,

we pray for your church. 

Forgive us when we lose sight of 

Your grandeur, Your eternal nature

and worship something small and tame.

Help us to lift our eyes to you,

And to walk in humility and gratitude.

Help us to create, not destroy,

to speak words of love, not of hate.


God who spoke creation into being,

we pray for our world

as we behave in destructive ways

that we seem unable to stop.

Give us wisdom and grace to change.

We pray for governments 

and multinational companies,

that their policies will sustain

rather than destroy,

and put the good of creation

before personal and financial power.


We pray for our local community,

for the staff at Royal Blackburn Hospital,

GP surgeries, care homes – 

all who are working to keep things going

in the face of the pandemic.
We pray for Ghausia Masjid Mosque in Nelson, 

which has lost half of its management committee to Covid.

We pray for those who live in fear,

those who are lonely and isolated,

those across the world living in poverty

with no hope of medical care,

and for those who put personal pleasure

before respect and care for others.


God, you are beyond our understandings

of time and space

we bring our individual lives to you,

believing that we are all your beloved children.

Look with compassion on those who suffer:

those who dying,

those who mourn,

those left exhausted and frail.

Give us hope, as the days lengthen

that creation will be renewed,

that this time of death will end

and we will share companionship once more.

God who spoke life into being,

we thank you for the world around us.

The birds are singing their Spring songs,

buds form, bulbs poke their first leaves

through the cold earth.

Make us thankful people;

may we bow down with the wonder of it all

and give thanks.


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