God of welcome and love,
we pray that your church will reflect
your love for all your children.
Give us eyes of love
that we may see people as you see them:
as your beloved children,
coming home to you.
We pray for the nations of the world:
that they too will be places of welcome,
places of love.
We pray for an abundance of kindness and care,
reflecting the place, the palace with many rooms,
which you prepare for all your children.
We pray for all who live in tents or who have no shelter,
those living in cramped conditions.
We pray for ourselves,
that we will abide in your love,
And follow your rule of love.
May your love for us be the pattern of our lives,
enabling us to love others and ourselves.
Free us from our small boxes
of security and spiritual aridity:
help us explore the palace of your love,
our abiding home.
We pray for all who are ill,
in places of anxiety, pain and fear:
that they will find their peace in your abiding love.
And for those who have died:
that they will be assured of their eternal home,
prepared for them in your generous heart.
And we give thanks:
for our homes:
for friends and loved ones:
for the faith you have given us:
for our community:
and for this, our church.