God of love,
we pray for your church
in all its traditions and variety,
that power will always be used for good,
never to exploit, shame or harm.
We pray for church leaders and safeguarding officers,
And we pray for those who are victims of
the misuse of power,
for their healing,
and for justice.
As we pray for God’s world,
we pray for all political, national and international leaders,
and for those in industry and commerce
who hold great power.
We pray that their actions will always be
for the common good,
Never for self aggrandisement and personal gain.
We pray also for those who have very little power;
for greater equality and fairness in the world.
And for ourselves, that we will use power wisely and well.
We pray for all who feel powerless
In the face of illness, infirmity or pain;
That they will find peace
And the knowledge that you are close beside.
For those in abusive situations and relationships;
for listening ears and sensitive care will be found
to help and bring freedom and release.
We give thanks for those
who have gone before us
who have shown us how to use power wisely and well.
For those who rest in your great love
but whom we still miss.
For those who will die today,
Alone, or surrounded by family and friends.
And we give thanks
for the freedoms we have,
even in these days of restriction:
for bubbles of family and friendship,
for phone calls, texts and emails which keep us in touch.
And that as lockdown ends,
there will be care, mutual respect and responsibility
in our society – the use of personal power
for the good of all.