God with us,
we give thanks for Mary:
for her courage and her joy,
and for her faith and trust in you.
GIve us courage and joy,
faith and trust as we too seek to follow you
and seek to discern your presence,
and carry you with us as we follow your way.
We pray for the world,
especially for women in society;
We pray and give thanks for women leaders,
that they will walk Mary’s way of courage and faith.
We pray for women who live in difficult situations –
those who live in places of war, poverty, hunger and violence.
We give thanks for those around the world
who are good role models for young women and girls
and those who enable women to develop new skills
to ensure a better life for themselves and their families
and education for their children.
We pray for all who faithfully look upon suffering
who do not turn away:
give us courage to remain, as Mary did,
when we are called to wait with those who suffer;
not to turn away, but to remain faithfully.
So we give thanks for those who work in the hospice movement,
In mental health services
and all who serve those who are in pain or distress.
We pray for those who are ill,
especially ……
and for others known to us.
We bring to you those who have died,
especially those we have loved.
Mary knew her human frailty
but was the courageous and faithful bearer of hope,
In our hours of distress, give us hope, courage, faith.
And we give thanks,
for the faith you have given us by the coming of your Son –
God in human flesh.
for glimpses of heaven, here on earth;
for the whisper of angels
for the deep mysteries of faith,
And for the hope you give us, by which we live.