Jesus Christ, bread of life,
we pray for your church,
that around the fellowship of your table,
we will be one in heart and mind,
following you in love for humanity
and in the ways of justice and peace.
Look on our little church,
small but faithful:
bless us, we pray.
Lord Jesus, your blood was poured out on the cross,
an offering for reconciliation and salvation:
we pray for places of bloodshed and violence,
places where ordinary people like ourselves
live in fear and danger.
We pray for the people of Afghanistan,
in these terrible times;
we pray that the western nations will strive to help
in whatever ways they can.
We pray for those affected by fires, floods and earthquakes:
show us all how to live without destruction,
and that practical ways forward will be found.
We pray for those who are ill or frail,
especially Margaret, Bob and John
and others known to us.
We pray for those who have died recently:
that they will rest in your presence.
We pray for all who mourn:
that you will bring comfort and peace.
We pray and give thanks for out NHS,
and for all who work in the service of others.
And we give thanks for the freedom we enjoy:
freedom to meet family and friends,
freedom of religion and belief
freedom to worship without fear.
We give thanks that you have given us,
in Holy Communion,
a way of holding holiness in our hands:
a way to find you.