Intercessions – Proper 18 Year B 2021

God whose love is boundless,

we bring to you the world you made;

our home –

a place of beauty but of trouble and sorrow.

We pray for the people of Afghanistan,

the people of New Orleans and New York,

for countries where Covid rages 

with no hope of vaccinations,

for those who endure famine and drought, floods and fires.

Hear the cries of all who call to you in distress,

and hear our prayers today. 


We pray for your church:

forgive our past failings,

our neglect of the vulnerable,

our failure to listen to those who are victims of abuse.

We lament that this week,

national headlines have spoken of children at risk

in churches and Sunday schools.

Help us to make our church a safe place for everyone.

We pray for Carol our safeguarding officer,

and the PCC as they take responsibility for ensuring

that our church is a good place to be.


We pray for all who are ill or in distress,

especially we bring to you Bob, Margaret, John and Peter,

and others we know…..

We pray for those who have died,

for those who mourn,

for those suffering from mental illness and addiction,

for all who are sad

for all whose lives are hard,

and for all who work in the healthcare and care systems.


We give you thanks for the blessings we enjoy;

for our homes, our loved ones,

for food and warmth,

for the beauty of the end of summer – 

for flying geese, bees and butterflies hungry for pollen,

for sunny days and dewy mornings.

For all your blessings

we give you thanks.



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