Intercessions Year B Proper 23 2021

Generous God,

you give us the world’s plenty,

but we have become immune to your blessings:

give us a deep sense of what is truly important,

what is of abiding value,

and what we might lay aside

in order to follow you more faithfully.

Forgive our excesses,

human greed and decadence,

and bless those who have little in terms of material goods,

especially those who are hungry or homeless.

God of love,

we thank you for the love in our lives;

for family and friends, 

for our pets and for precious objects which carry memories of loved ones;

for all that reminds us of your love for your children.

We pray for all who are unloved,

all who are lonely and isolated,

those whose lives are filled with abuse or neglect.

In places of hardship

make your love known, we pray.

We pray for all who are ill, frail or in need

remembering especially —–

that they will know your presence,

closer than breath.

We pray for our loved ones who have died,

remembering —-;

that you will welcome them into your Kingdom.

We pray for those who are bereaved,

that you will bring comfort and hope in their time of sadness.

And we give you thanks

for all your gifts,

especially for the beauty of the earth in these first days of autumn,

for shining berries and the first crunchy leaves,

for cooler days and starry nights

the voices of children carrying in the air,

for our daily food,

for the things that bring joy,

and for our faith,

challenged and changed by life’s ups and downs,

growing and deepening as we journey towards our eternal home.

Bless us all, we pray.


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