Holy God,
you know us face to face;
on our journeys of faith,
and in our lives as your disciples,
help us to hear your voice,
to seek you with purpose
and to come to know your love,
your healing, and your forgiveness.
We pray for the world you gave us to cherish.
teach us to ignore the voices
always persuading us we need more and more:
help us to live our lives in simplicity,
walking gently on the earth,
using its resources as precious treasures.
We pray for the leaders of the world
as they prepare to meet at COP26;
we pray for selfless leadership
a willingness to take seriously
the task they have been given,
putting aside political and financial gain.
God of healing,
as we remember Blind Bartimaeus,
we pray for all who live with illness and disability;
we pray for those on long waiting lists for treatment,
for those who have given up hope,
for NHS doctors, nurses and administrators,
and all who seek to heal.
We pray for those we know who are ill …
and for those whose life’s journey is over
who now see you face to face…
And we give thanks for our senses,
for all that we can see, hear, taste, touch and smell;
for the colours of Autumn,
the hugs of loved ones,
the sound of your voice,
heard with the ears of faith,
always calling us on,
always speaking of love.