Intercessions for the Third Sunday of Advent

God, merciful and loving judge of all,

John the Baptist was your herald:

we pray for your church,

asking that all its members,

especially those who preach and teach,

will put aside their own interests and ambitions,

their egos and love of power,

and point others to you

in simplicity and with honesty.

Forgive us when self love gets in the way.

Help us to walk the way of faith with integrity.

In a world where so many live in fear and poverty,

Where lives are blighted by violence and destruction

we pray for those who make their voices heard

against injustice and evil:

those who refuse to remain silent,

those who speak and act for the good of all,

and for the sake of the natural world.

Give us courage to speak out when we need to,

to call the powerful to account,

to use the little power we feel we have

in the best ways

so all your children may live in peace.

We pray for all who live in pain and sadness today;

for those in hospital, hospices, and care homes;

for those how are ill at home;

for all who are lonely and sad.

We remember especially…

We pray for all who care;

for nurses, doctors, care assistants;

for relatives who care for their loved ones,

and for all those whose work is unseen,

but who keep the system going.

We pray for those how have died,


and for those who mourn,

especially in these days before Christmas.

And we give thanks,

for those we love,

for all that brings joy and hope,

for the love we receive and give,

for the snow on the hills

and the low winter sun,

lighting the world in beauty.

Give us eyes to see

and ears to hear the beauty with which you surround us,

and hearts to know the love in which you hold us. Amen  

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