With the Magi, we seek God’s glory;
those moments when we are shown that God is here with us.
God who made us all, each wonderfully different,
we pray for followers of different faiths across the world
Give us grace to learn from each other.
Lead all who seek you in the ways of humility and peace.
We pray for the Church of England and for the Diocese of Blackburn;
help us to be a church where all are welcome
and where God’s glory is discerned and cherished in many different faces.
God of Creation, we thank you
for the beauty of the skies, for the richness of creation
and for moments when we feel close
to each other and to you.
Teach us to walk a different way in your world;
to walk gently, cherishing all that you have made
and seeing your glory all around us.
God of mystery, in a time of pandemic
it’s hard to work out where you are
and why you allow this hardship and suffering.
Give us strength to keep going
even when we feel forsaken.
We pray for all who will suffer today,
and for those who care for them
seeking to bring respite, healing and peace.
God of life, help us to see you, even in the face of death.
Help us to trust in you
even when the road travelled takes our loved ones away.
We place into your care
our loved ones who have died:
as we travel towards you in this world and the next,
draw us close to yourself,
forgive our sins,
and mend that which is broken
until we come to kneel before you
in wonder and in joy.