Lord Jesus,
you came to bring good news.
We pray for your church,
locally and globally:
that it will be a bringer of hope and love,
comfort and healing.
As your followers,
may we too be good news,
living your way of love in the world.
We pray for your world,
especially for places where life is hard;
For the people of Tonga,
and all who are helping to bring relief there.
We pray for those who live in places of war and violence;
that your peace will come.
We pray for prisoners,
especially prisoners of conscience and political prisoners:
once again we pray for the release of Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliife.
We pray for all who live in poverty,
and all who are victims of oppression,
domestic or political.
Lord Jesus,
you brought healing to the sick,
and promised restoration of sight to the blind.
Today we pray for all
who live with illness or disability,
for all who are subject to the frailties of old age,
for all who are terminally ill,
for those whose lives have been changed forever
because of illness.
Bring healing of body, mind and spirit, we pray.
and, even in the midst of pain and distress,
bring moments of joy and peace.
And we thank you
for those things in life
which make us feel safe, at home:
the things which make us know we belong.
We give thanks for the things which bring joy,
and we give thanks for times of happiness and contentment.
Above all, we give thanks for your great love
for each one of us:
Give us confidence
to know we are your beloved children.
For your many blessings, we give thanks:
May our lives reflect your love, joy, hope, and peace.