On this day, when we remember
the presence of Joseph and Mary in the Temple,
we are able to be together in our church:
this time last year we were still in lockdown,
unable to gather for worship.
We give thanks for the passing of the worst of the pandemic:
give us patience and hope for the days ahead.
But we find that things are different:
some people have not returned;
some are still fearful of gatherings,
some have given up,
many have died.
Keep us faithful, and help us to be a thriving church once again.
God, revealed as the Messiah
in the form of a tiny child,
we pray for the world you made.
We pray for the most vulnerable:
for those with no access to good healthcare,
for the billions across the still unable to receive vaccinations,
for those who have lost their self-confidence
and have become isolated and lonely,
for those whose families have been devastated by covid,
for those still waiting for appointments,
caught in long waiting lists,
for the people of Tonga and Ukraine,
and for all who live in places of catastrophe,
violence, famine or drought.
Bring peace, healing, equality and justice
to our torn and divided world, we pray
God who knew suffering and pain,
yet who brought healing and peace
we bring to you those who are sick …
and those who care for them.
We bring to you those who will die this day,
that they will be with you in paradise.
Help us to face pain and suffering
with honesty and courage.
We bring your beloved who are elderly:
we bring to you tiny babies, new parents,
those who are faithful, and those who wait in hope.
And we give thanks for the natural world around us:
for the countryside on our doorstep
for snowdrops and catkins,
for walks in the fresh air, the song of the birds
and for days growing longer as we look forward to springtime.
Like Anna, help us always to pray and praise.
Your words, both in the prayers and sermon, have elevated for me the feast of Candlemas. I haven’t thought deeply about the Presentation, just as many I expect, see it as a lovely tableau. But your sermon has deepened my understanding of the Presentation and I thank you so much for helping me envision the Temple scene and understand the importance to us, across time, as if the Presentation not only includes Simeon and Anna, Mary and Joseph and Jesus, but us as well. This needs much more prayer and thought on my part. Thank you
I am a part of a group of worship leaders, readers of the Word and prayer writers in our rural Church in Wales parish on the Welsh/English border. We are beginning to welcome back our small congregation, but some are still wary of mixing but we are hoping they will join us again over the next few months. I live in a very rural farming settlement and also help at our Presbyterian Chapel, where numbers are low, but faithful to the Chapel.
With Best wishes and God’s blessing on you and your parish
Thank you for this lovely prayer.
I am using it as a lay person for a mid-week service we hold on an estate in Willingdon, Eastbourne , East Sussex, as part of St Mary’s Willingon benefice. The service,held Tuesday 1st Feb has as its theme Candlemas. I will say where it has come from so thanks from all of us.