Dear Friends,
I have sad news: my husband of 40 years, David, was diagnosed with a tumour on his pancreas a week ago. This week, a scan has shown that there are tumours in many places. Please pray for him and for hishealing. He is a person of deep faith. Especially, could you pray that he will be able to finish a book he has been asked to write.
I try to post a sermon and intercessions each week, except when I’m on holiday. Obviously, this will now be more hit-and-miss. In the meantime, I commend to you the Heart Edge Sermon Preparation Workshop which is livestreamed each Tuesday at 4.30 UK time from St Martin in the Fields, London: it is always excellent! It is on Facebook – you can watch it without being on Facebook, but then you can’t join in with comments and questions. From this you can tell that I’m not a technical person!
Finally, if you find my blog useful, please consider donating to the parish I serve. St Oswald’s Knuzden is the 340th poorest parish in the Church of England. In many ways we thrive, but finances are always difficult, despite the generosity of the lovely congregation. Out website is here. There is a giving page which you can access via the Giving tab at the top. All donations, no matter how small, are much appreciated.
Please pray for us: David and me, our children Anna and Joe, and Granddaughter Nessie.
Yours in faith and love,
Father and Lord, I ask Your love to be poured out on Dave and Ann in this time. I know also that through this all, Dave and Ann want nothing more than to praise and glorify You in All things, but Lord, it seems so hard and the news is soo scary. I pray Lord, that you will give them faith to believe You are there in all circumstances and that You’re going to carry them along the way. I also pray that You will be close to Dave when he will go to the hospital and that you will give the doctors wisdom how to handle the tumour and that Dave will be healed completely. Please be with Anna and Joe, and Nessie as well. You are an awesome God and I thank You that Your timing is always perfect. In Jesus mighty name! Amen
Love Ingrid
Thankyou Ingrid. Lovely to hear from you.
hi Ann, I only found out about Dave just now! But I see you posted this a week or so ago. How is Dave and when does he have to be back to the hospital? Please keep me informed so I can pray for all of you! Why??? soo unfair?? yes only God knows!! Lots of love! Ingrid
Hello Ann
I have just found your excellent page while looking for some inspiration for a sermon for tomorrow, Trinity Sunday. In so doing, I was interested to see where you are as my late husband worked in Blackburn nearly 30 years ago now, teaching media skills to young men from ethnic minority backgrounds. He thoroughly enjoyed his time there and had some gifted students. I am a Local Preacher, now in Cornwall and appreciate the difficulties your church faces with poverty; despite the lovely TV programmes (particularly food), we have areas of enormous deprivation too.
I was so very sorry to read your sad news and will pray for you and your family. May God minister to you all in every possible way as you face this diagnosis and I pray especially that you may all be surrounded by his peace, which passes all understanding.
Carol Baines