God of generosity and grace, we bring our prayers to you: for your church, that it might be a place of unreserved welcome, that people we might consider unworthy, may find a place at your table. forgive our exclusivity, bitterness, jealousy and pride. Bring in your Kingdom where all your children find their home in…Continue reading Intercessions Proper 20 Year A
Category: Intercessions
Intercessions Proper 19 Year An
God whose love is boundless, Who looks on us with tenderness and love we bring to you the world you made; our home – a place of beauty but of trouble and sorrow. We pray for the people Morocco and of Libya, facing terrible hardship: for all who are subject to natural disaster or to…Continue reading Intercessions Proper 19 Year An
Intercessions Proper 18 Year A
Heavenly Father, as we have read the story of the preparations for the Exodus, we bring to you the millions of humans who live in terrible hardship, who are subject to oppression and cruelty, who live under cruel regimes: all who await freedom and justice, all who, like the people of Israel, seek better lives…Continue reading Intercessions Proper 18 Year A
Interecessions Proper 17 Year A
Intercessions – Proper 17 Today, here, in this place, we stand on holy ground. Let us not enter, nor remain, unthinkingly. for this is your house, not ours a house of prayer, the place where we meet you in bread and wine, in eachothers’ faces. Here, let us tread gently; let us walk carefully. When…Continue reading Interecessions Proper 17 Year A
Intercessions for Proper 9
O God, you yoke us to yourself, sharing our burdens, walking through life with us, shouldering, with us, all that we face – all our joys and sorrows, all the mundane things and the things that challenge us. Help us to share with others as you share with us, especially where people are struggling with…Continue reading Intercessions for Proper 9
Pentecost Intercessions
Spirit of God, Spirit of transformation and courage, we ask that your life and energy will fill our lives, and the life of the church, here and around the world. Give us your gifts, and help us to journey with you, inwardly in our souls, and outwardly in the world. Make us bringers of hope…Continue reading Pentecost Intercessions
Intercessions for Easter 3
On this weekend of International Earth Day, we pray and give thanks for your creation. God of Creation, we give thanks for the beauty around us, for the wonder of the earth, the splendour of the universe which tell both of your greatness and your love. We pray that we will walk on the earth…Continue reading Intercessions for Easter 3
God of love, your Son, Jesus, still carries his scars even in his risen and glorified body. Give us the courage, with Thomas, to look on your scars, and on the scars of the world, not averting our eyes, but ready to face suffering. Give us hope and faith that a better world can grow…Continue reading
Intercessions for Maundy Thursday
Gathering to celebrate Jesus’ last meal with his friends, we pray for the church which has the Last Supper at its heart: that this meal of our salvation will not be a meal of immunity from pain, a place where we are detached from affliction, but a place where we bring suffering humanity to you,…Continue reading Intercessions for Maundy Thursday
Palm Sunday Intercessions
O Christ, in whose face we see the suffering of the world and the love of God, we bring to you the world’s pain, the anguish of your children in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine, on the African continent. Help us to build a peaceful world, a world of love, compassion and respect, a world where…Continue reading Palm Sunday Intercessions