God of love,
you invest in us,
pouring on us your love, kindness and compassion,
giving us hope in this world and in the next.
We pray for your church,
that it will cease to treat anyone as less than your beloved child,
that if will be for people and with people,
that it will stop addressing itself,
like the man in today’s story,
and embrace your world, just as you do.
We pray for your world,
for movements towards equality for all people,
for a fairer distribution of resources.,
for action on the part of governments
on behalf of people who are worried about how they will pay their bills,
how they will afford to eat,
how they will keep their homes warm this winter.
We pray for peace in the many places of conflict,
for responsibility on behalf of multinational corporations
making huge profits
and plundering the earth, robbing future generations of safety.
Sometimes we feel so helpless:
we ask for your help.
We pray fo all who are sick,
especially those falling foul of NHS cutbacks,
those encountering lack of care and compassion
and those unable to access care.
We pray for elderly people in residential care, especially for …
We pray those who are terminally ill, especially for …
And for all NHS staff,
especially those who are overworked and tired, and disillusioned.
Help the government to make things work better for the good of all.
We pray for those who have died, especially …
In the face of overwhelming need and growing helplessness
we still give you thanks,
especially for those who invest in us,
giving us their time and attention,
their love and care,
those who treat us,
those on whose love we can depend.
Our lives are enriched
by our families and friends
by the community of this church:
we pause to give thanks.