Intercessions – Passion Sunday Year B 2021

As we approach the time of Jesus’

suffering and death

we hold in our hearts

and bring to God’s heart

all who suffer in body, mind or spirit.


We pray for all who suffer today:

for victims of torture:

for those denied the basics 

of human dignity:

for those who are forsaken.

for those who are betrayed

or abandoned:

for prisoners of conscience

and for political prisoners.

Suffering God, 

we pray that you will hold all this suffering

in your heart

and that you will bring it to an end.


God who shares in human suffering,

we pray for the church,

so often implicated in acts of cruelty 

and abuse,

so often more concerned with itself

than its victims.

And yet we give thanks

for the healing work of the church,

remembering especially 

hospital and hospice chaplains,

all who care for suffering people

in your name,

all who bring love and hope.


In this time of pandemic,

we pray for those who are ill:

for those who have died,

for worried or bereaved families,

for exhausted healthcare workers,

for those suffering mental anguish.

As we go about our lives,

keep us from selfishness

and from unthinking behaviour:

may we live with compassion,

care and sensitivity.


Approaching our annual remembrance of your passion,

we give thanks that you share with us

all life’s joys and sorrows,

all human suffering

all letting go into God’s hands.

So let us see with your eyes

and love with your heart

wherever we travel

in the world you have made. 



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