God of time and eternity,
you hold our future in your hands:
help us to trust you in all we do and in all that we experience
and to work for the justice and peace
which are the hallmarks of your Kingdom.
We give thanks for those whose knowledge and expertise
rings alarm bells and shows us how we must change.
For the sake of the world’s children and young people,
give us courage to do what must be done
for the good of all.
On this Remembrance Sunday,
we pray for places of war and conflict,
for all whose lives are marked by violence,
and all who flee seeking better lives for their families.
Give us the will to live together in peace,
building a fair world where everyone has enough.
We pray for all who serve in the armed forces,
especially for those serving in places of danger,
and for their families, especially during times of separation and anxiety.
We pray for all who are living with illness and disability,
for those in hospital,
for those who suffer from mental illness,
and for those we know who are ill ….
We bring to you those who have died
and now rest with you in your Kingdom.
we remember especially….
We pray for all who mourn,
for those whose hearts are broken,
and for whom consolation seems far away.
We give thanks
for the peace and freedom we enjoy,
As the dark days of winter draw near,
we give thanks for our homes – places of safety and warmth,
but this year, for most of us, places of frugality.
Keep us from complacency.
Give us hearts and hands to help those in need
hope to share when life is dark,
and courage to keep faith when times are hard.