Intercessions for Advent 2

God of love,

to you humanity is not a game:

the poorest and most vulnerable are closest to your heart

and your love is beyond our understanding.

Forgive us when we dehumanize others

or when we treat people as if they were a game or a joke.

Help us to see people as you see them;

as your beloved children.

We pray for theologians

and those who set the policy of churches

in ways that affect the lives of real people;

that, in their debating they will remember 

that people are not theories.

Like you, may they have real  humans in their hearts.

Forgive us when we drive people away with our theology,

especially when we a responsible for people

thinking that you have rejected them

Jesus, our friend, You healed the sick 

and brought God’s love to ordinary people.

We pray those all those we know who are sick

especially …..

asking that they will know your presence,

encompassing them in love on every side

bringing healing and peace.

We pray for those who have died,

that they will rest in your eternal love and peace:

we remember especially…

We pray, too, for many who mourn;

for those who have lost family members in the pandemic,

and for all who are lost in sadness and grief.

Jesus we give thanks for your love without end,

for us, your children,

a love that began before time, continues in our earthly lives,

and which will bring us, one day, to be with you in heaven.

Help us to treasure that which we have,

to discern what we can learn of you 

In the people we meet and the places we pass through,

to cherish the world you made,

to rejoice in its beauty

to glimpse your reflection in the sky, the sea, the sun, moon and stars,

and in the faces of those we meet,

for we are all your children.


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