Christ our true and humble King, we pray for the kingdoms, republics and dictatorships of the world: where there is violence, injustice, poverty and exclusion, may your peaceable and just Kingdom come. We pray for monarchs, politicians and heads of state, that they will follow you in the ways of service and love. We pray…Continue reading Intercessions – Christ the King
Category: Year C
Sermon for the Feast of Christ the King 2022
Christ the King 2022 So, the shops are full of baubles and tinsel and Christmas cards and huge foil dishes for roasting turkey. It doesn’t feel quite as over the top as it has in the past – I think the supermarkets have worked out that we won’t have as much money to spend this…Continue reading Sermon for the Feast of Christ the King 2022
Intercessions for Advent 2
God of love, to you humanity is not a game: the poorest and most vulnerable are closest to your heart and your love is beyond our understanding. Forgive us when we dehumanize others or when we treat people as if they were a game or a joke. Help us to see people as you see…Continue reading Intercessions for Advent 2
Sermon for the Thurd Sunday before Advent
Today’s gospel reading carries a most appalling story: the story of a poor woman whose husband dies and who is obliged to marry, one after the other, his six remaining brothers who also die, one after the other. Despite the seven husbands, the woman bears no child. Then she too dies. The people who told…Continue reading Sermon for the Thurd Sunday before Advent
Intercessions for All Saints 2022
Holy God, you call us to be faithful in our everyday lives, in times of joy and of sorrow, in busyness and at rest, in the simple things and the complicated ones. Help us to follow you faithfully, to seek your guidance and strength, and to believe even when you feel far away. Creator God,…Continue reading Intercessions for All Saints 2022
Sermon for All Saints Sunday 2022
We are, these days, very keen to dig the dirt on leaders and celebrities: social media exist on this . No one would bother to read Twitter or Facebook were it not for scandal, and our national newspapers follow not very far behind. I have mixed feelings about this: one the one hand, it is…Continue reading Sermon for All Saints Sunday 2022
Intercessions Proper 24
Oh God, with whom we struggle, because you are a mystery beyond our knowing, and because there are often unanswered questions, things we don’t understand, give us strength and determination, like Jacob, not to let go, but to hold on, until we know fully who You are. Give us vibrant and active faith. Help us…Continue reading Intercessions Proper 24
Sermon for 16th October 2022. Trinity 18 Proper 24
I love the story of Jacob wrestling with the unknown man who, it turns out, is either God or an angel – a messenger from God. As in the picture on our notice sheet today, by Marc Chagall, the unknown man is often portrayed with wings. There’s a wonderful sculpture by Jacob Epstein of this…Continue reading Sermon for 16th October 2022. Trinity 18 Proper 24
Sermon for Proper 13 2022
Today we’re considering the third element of The Vine Community which is an initiative of the Diocese of Blackburn. This is based on the question ‘How can I show the hope and joy of Jesus Christ in the world?’ Even if you’re not involved in The Vine Community, it’s a question everyone can reflect on…Continue reading Sermon for Proper 13 2022
Sermon for Trinity 3 (Pentecost 4) 2022
Two weeks ago I handed out the packs for The Vine Community – if you didn’t get one, there are still some available at the back of church. The Vine Community is an initiative of the Diocese of Blackburn which is designed to help people to grow as Christians. It does this by helping people…Continue reading Sermon for Trinity 3 (Pentecost 4) 2022