Lent 2 Intercessions

Lent 2

God of our journey,

we pray for ourselves,

that we we stay faithful

even when our lives take us to difficult places,

or when the way ahead is unclear and unknown.

Help us to be faithful in times of doubt,

by day and in the soul’s dark night,

in times of certainty and in times of questioning.

God of gentleness and hope,

we pray for your church,

that it will be a place of deep questioning

rather than shallow certainty,

a place where humanity can come to you

with life’s profound questions,

a place where we can be being born again,

day by day.

God of darkness and of light,

we pray for your world:

for places of war, famine and drought,

for places of intolerance 

where the freedom to question is limited,

for places where difference is not allowed,

for places of poverty and scarcity,

and for those who profit from these situations,

that they will be reborn into your love for humankind.

We pray for those whose lives have taken them into the shadows:

for those who are sick,

those who worry about them

and those who care for them.

We pray for those who have died,

for those who mourn,

and for those who minister to the dying.

In hard times, we pray for those struggling in poverty,

those who have turned to foodbanks

and those who offer whatever support they can.

Be there in the darkness,

bringing hope and comfort.

Bless us all, we pray.

And we give thanks,

for Abram who dared to set out on a journey,

for Nicodemus and his questions,

for your everlasting presence,

your abiding love,

and for the hope you give us.


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