Intercessions for Maundy Thursday

Gathering to celebrate Jesus’ last meal with his friends,

we pray for the church which has the Last Supper at its heart:

that this meal of our salvation

will not be a meal of immunity from pain,

a place where we are detached from affliction,

but a place where we bring suffering humanity to you,

knowing that you are there with us,

in the very worst of times.

And so we pray for the suffering world;

for all those on the road, fleeing violence and war;

for those who can no longer rest on certainty,

those who no longer know who to trust;

for those who have no bread, no food;

and for the earth itself, for your creation

faltering at a palace of no return:

give us the wisdom and the will to change.

We pray for people facing life-changing illness and disability:

for those facing death, 

whose next meal will be in God’s Kingdom,

but who must first face the unknowing of this life’s end

  • may your hand reach out to guide and comfort;

We pray for ourselves, that our Communion

will not insulate us from the needs of humankind,

but give us compassionate hearts

and willing hands.

And we give thanks,

for your faithfulness to us;

for your unwavering love – your refusal to turn away;

for the suffering your bore for us

and for the salvation you won for us.

Keep us faithful and unwavering;

fill our hearts with love for you

and for all your children. Amen

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