O God, whose glory is all around us,
even when we are unaware of it
we pray for your church;
that it may it be a place
where your glory is glimpsed,
your beauty reflected in worship
and in the lives of your people:
and a place where many will hear
whispers of your love for all your children.
God of glory
we thank you for the beauty of your creation,
and for those whose art and poetry
enables our seeing.
By your Spirit
reveal your glory to us wherever we walk,
and give us hearts brimming with praise.
Mysterious God,
often your glory is veiled
and we see only darkness and shadows.
Help us to keep faith,
to find the light which shines,
however faltering and dim;
and when darkness falls,
to know you are no stranger there.
We pray for those who are sick,
for those close to death;
for those who serve and care, accompany and heal;
for those who are bereaved, exhausted, broken.
We thank you for the love we find
in our relationships with family and friends.
We bring our broken world to you:
war, and environmental destruction,
selfishness, greed and hatred,
our inability to see you in the faces of others.
Turn your face to us, we pray;
forgive our destructiveness and sin
and give us hope.
God of glory,
may we catch glimpses of you,
wherever we travel.