Intercessions for the Third Sunday Before Lent

Jesus, Light of the World,

you call us to be lights in the world:

we pray for your world,

especially for places where darkness dominates,

places where there is desolation, violence and destruction.

We pray for the light of hope in these places. (Silence).

Let us not be indifferent people:

we ask you to show us where we must shine,

where we must bring flickering candles of hope,

where you call us to bear witness to your love.

Jesus our Saviour,

we pray for your church,

that it will be like a city set on a hill,

a place of beauty, welcome and hope,

a place that people feel drawn to from far away,

a place of welcome, refreshment, shelter and peace.

May we be like a city with open gates.

Forgive us when we drive people away,

treat people with suspicion

and fail to make people welcome.

Jesus our healer

we come to you as wounded people,

carrying the scars of life 

in body, mind and spirit.

We pray that you will anoint us with your healing spirit,

asking this especially for ….

In heaven we will be made whole and restored to fullness of life:

so we pray for all who have died recently,

and those who have been close to us,

but who now abide with you,

knowing that, though we miss them,

all is well with them.

Jesus, our brother,

we thank you for all you shared with us,

all that you taught us.

We thank you for the lovely images we have heard today,

about being light and salt;

Help us not to be bland and dreary

not to be muted and flat

but to be full of life,

to reflect your glory,

to shine as lights.

Through us, may the world come to know your love.


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