Intercessions for Easter 3

On this weekend of International Earth Day,

we pray and give thanks for your creation.

God of Creation, we give thanks for the beauty around us,

for the wonder of the earth,

the splendour of the universe

which tell both of your greatness and your love.

We pray that we will walk on the earth more gently,

treasure its fragility with a deeper wisdom and respect

share its resources more fairly,

and so step back from destruction and irreversible harm.

We pray for our local community,

especially on this weekend of Eid

for our Muslim sisters and brothers.

May there be mutual tolerance and respect,

new ways, for us all, as people of faith,

to witness to your goodness and mercy,

to make our town a place of peace and goodwill.

As we go about our lives,

help us to recognise you in the faces of others –

At work, in the supermarket, in our families, on the street.

We pray for our church,

that we, with all Christians

will know your presence when bread is broken

as we gather to share in your holy meal.

Sometimes we feel so vulnerable and small:

may we knew your presence with us.

Bless us, we pray.

We pray, Lord Jesus,

that you will make yourself known

to the sick and the dying,

to those who mourn

that they will sense your presence

and know your peace and joy,

even in life’s shadows.

Today, as we remember Emmaus,

we give thanks for the breaking of bread,

for this meal by which we know your presence:

may our own hearts burn within us,

as for those disciples of long ago,

Help us to cherish that moment,

when bread is broken,

and to carry the Good News with us,

when we go back into your world

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