Triniy Sunday Intercessions

Intercession  O God, You who are All in All;  to whom we bring our prayers, hear us!  For the Church,  Christ’s continuing body in this world  that it might continue to proclaim Your truth  whilst continuing to seek its unity in You.  Forgive our divisions, heal our arrogance,  Mend our failure to own our diversity…Continue reading Triniy Sunday Intercessions

Sermon for Trinity Sunday

Who is to be trusted these days? There seems to be a lot of pretense and we end up feeling we’ve had the wool pulled over our eyes. Who will give us basic respect and dignity? Who will listen to us – really listen – without pretense, or the glazing over of the eyes? Who…Continue reading Sermon for Trinity Sunday

Sad News

Dear Friends, I have sad news: my husband of 40 years, David, was diagnosed with a tumour on his pancreas a week ago. This week, a scan has shown that there are tumours in many places. Please pray for him and for hishealing. He is a person of deep faith. Especially, could you pray that…Continue reading Sad News

Risen, ascended Christ, we give thanks that your work is done, that you have shown us all we need to know about God, That you have carried humanity to the heart of heaven, into God’s presence. We pray that your church will be a place of joy, proclaiming with confidence the love of God for…Continue reading

It’s five months since Christmas – where does the time go? Then, we celebrated the incarnation – God came to dwell with humanity – perhaps the most widely celebrated Chrsitian festival. If Christmas were to be a bookend, today, we put the second one in place at the other end of the row – the…Continue reading

There is something about trees which grips my imagination – I hope you share my enthusiasm. I think it all began for me with a programme by David Bellamy when I was a teenager. It was all about what you might call the ‘engineering’ of trees – how much pressure it takes for water to…Continue reading

Intercessions for Easter 6

God of creation, we thank you for today’s beautiful images of the heavenly city. We pray that, in the world you have made, there will be, once again, streams and rivers as bright as crystal. We pray that our forests and jungles with thrive, that magnificent trees will be left to grow. We pray for…Continue reading Intercessions for Easter 6